Distributor Information

Want to start your own business? Looking for some extra income? Interested in working part-time from your home? Make money while you sleep.
Be A Bio-Mat Richway Fuji Bio Inc. Independent Representative!

Share the wonderful healing benefits of the Bio-Mat with your family, friends and co-workers. All you need to be an Independent Representative (distributor) is fill out our ISA (Independent Sales Agreement) and pay a one time $80 sign up fee. If you haven't yet and are planning on purchasing a Bio-mat why not sign up at the same time as an independent representative for Richway Fuji Bio Inc. and make money when your family and friends buy one? And you can make money when they sell them. You get paid a commission on every sale you make, and you earn product certificates which are good toward company products. There are no monthly minimums or annual fees, and I will help you grow your business.

Fill out our ISA (Independent Sales Agreement), and receive Distributor Kit which contains everything you need to start selling the Bio-Mat including several brocures, order forms, and information material. Also gives you 1 Business Center (if you have not ordered a Biomat).

If you have any questions when filling out the agreement, feel free to contact me. If you don't have a sponsor I would be happy to be your sponsor and help you along the way, just enter my name, Steve Mullen, in the sponsor field when filling out the agreement.

ISA (Independent Sales Agreement) $80.00

Bio-Mat Distributors Kit

The income an independent representative is eligible to earn through the Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. sales Compensation Plan increases as their business grows and higher status levels are attained. Retailing Richway & Fuji Bio Inc.'s products of high quality merchandise is the most integral part of building an Independent representative's business. Retailing leads to extraordinary benefits with Richway & Fuji Bio Inc.. In today's market, the retailer of choice is a Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. independent representative.

Richway & Fuji Bio Inc.'s Sales Compensation Plan was created by the Company Founders as a means for the average person to achieve great financial rewards through developing and operating a Retail sales business. Richway & Fuji Bio Inc.'s Plan exhibits unparalleled rewards because the Company is committed to assisting Representatives to succeed by energizing their business and motivating their organization through a variety of incentive campaigns. The plan is truly the most dynamic in the world today.

The Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. business is based primarily upon the retail sale of merchandise to the ultimate consumer. Representatives may achieve the following status levels based upon the retailing performance of their business:

Independent Representative:
You just need to be sponsored, complete an independent representative application & agreement form, purchase a distributor kit for $80 from the company and have the application approved by Richway & Fuji Bio Inc..

Advance to Partner ISA when you reach $1,500 in Personal Business Volume

Gold Executive:
Advance to Gold when you sell an additional $3,000 or more in Personal Business volume.

Emerald Executive:
Advance to Emerald when you sell $6,000 or more in Personal Sales Volume.

Diamond Executive:
Advance to Diamond when you sell $6,000 or more in Personal Sales Volume.

Royal Family:
An independent representative who meets the following criteria achieves the pinnacle of success with Richway & Fuji Bio Inc..
Develops extended group and assists 4 independent representatives, whom they sponsored to become Diamond Executives, and achieve $14,400 or more in Binary bonuses within 12 weeks.

Diamond Club Membership:
This program is an optional agreement with Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. International, Inc. by which an independent representative who has achieved the level of Diamond Executive, may become a Diamond Club Member and place their personal orders for special discounts, free products and promotional items.

Richway Fuji Bio Inc. offers a diverse selection of fine merchandise at competitive prices. Independent representatives may earn a substantial retail profit selling Richway Fuji Bio Inc. products to the ultimate consumer. In addition, independent representatives are eligible to earn weekly quick pay, sales and training bonuses. These bonuses are determined by the number of sales made within each leg of a representative's organization.

Business Centers
You earn 1 Business Center for every $500 in product you buy/sell, you also earn 1 point. Each business center has 2 legs, a right and a left. The way this network marketing program works is you add points until you have 6 points on each leg. Again, you earn a business center for every $500 in product you buy which is 1 point. You also earn 1 point for every $500 in product you sell, so when someone else orders through you, they earn business centers just like you did with your order, but you also earn the same number of points they just earned. When you have 6 points on each leg you earn a binary bonus of $400. It works like a tree, similar to a family tree. Each business center is its own tree with a right leg and a left leg. An example of the layout of Business Centers is shown in the Teamwork System picture. Each business center will reset to zero points after 3 years of non-activity.

Binary Bonus:

M12 Bonus
The M12 Bonus is exclusive to Diamond and Royal Family level ISAs. When you generate $6,000 in Personal Business volume within any calendar month, you will receive 10% of your directly sponsored ISAs Binary Bonus for that month.

M18 Bonus
The M18 Bonus is exclusive to Royal Family level ISAs. When you generate $9,000 in Personal Business volume within any calendar month, you will receive 2% of the gross Business volume of everyone under your umbrella for that month. What does that mean? Anyone you have sponsored (your enrollees) and anyone your enrollees have sponsored and so on. If one of your enrollees becomes Royal Family they will breakaway. You will not receive a bonus from a breakaway and their downline. You will still receive a bonus from any directly placed ISAs in their Binary tree.

  1. All application details must be filled out completely and properly. Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. and bio-mat.com will not be responsible for loss of commissions or bonuses, nor delays in Distributor registrations due to errors by Distributors in preparing, or sending in this application or other documents.
  2. Distributor I.D. number. Your Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. I.D. number is your SSN or your EIN. You will only need to submit this once when you fill out the ISA Agreement. You can contact Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. directly and give it to them.
  3. Distributor Limitation. Only one distributorship per person shall be given. All distributors must be of legal age as defined by the state in which the distributor resides.
  4. Agreement: As an independent contractor, the distributor shall abide by any, and all federal, state, county and local laws, Policies and procedures pertaining to the Distributors application , and/or acquisition, receipt, holding, selling, distributing or advertising of company products, agree to all policies which are listed on the company website.
  5. The distributor shall make, execute, or file, at his/her own expense, all reports and obtain licenses as required by law or public authority with respect to the application. The distributor is solely responsible for declaration and payment of all local, state, and federal taxes as they accrue because of the distributor's activities in connection with the application.
  6. The Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. business is to create ultimate consumers by retailing Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. products, for their personal use, or family use. It is company policy, however, to strictly prohibit the purchase of products in unreasonable amounts solely for the purpose of qualifying for commissions or advancement in the marketing commission program. Distributors may not load inventory, not encourage others to load inventory. The Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. Compensation plan promote such activities. Failure to abide by this policy will result in termination. A distributor must be able to document that at least 70% of products purchased have been sold. Distributors will be requested to prove retailing of products.
  7. A distributor who sponsors other distributors must accept and fulfill the obligation of performing a bona fide supervisory sales management function in marketing products to the ultimate consumer, educating these distributors in the Richway & Fuji Bio Inc.'s Code of Ethics, Policies, and Procedures, Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. compensation plan, and other business practices.
  8. Distributors receive bonuses based on volume of Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. products sold by themselves and their marketing organization. The Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. Compensation Plan describes the calculation of weekly bonuses and monthly bonuses. Weekly bonus checks are paid two weeks after proof in which the bonuses were qualified, and monthly bonus payment (sponsor training bonus) are paid on the last weekend of every month.
  9. Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. makes no claims or warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to, any claim for earnings and benefits concerning their products other than those included in Richway & Fuji Bio Inc.s written literature. Any claims for earnings or warranties of any kind, or any advertisement of Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. products, must be approved in writing by Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. prior to dissemination.
  10. The terms of the agreement is not in force until acceptance by the Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. office.The term of the agreement is valid until the end of the year in which it was accepted by the Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. office. A distributor shall be entitled to cancel this agreement at any time for any reason upon submission of written notice to the Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. Corporate office.
  11. The agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Hawaii, and all claims, disputes and other matters between the parties of the agreement shall be made in Honolulu Hawaii.

When you order a Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. product online through this website you agree to be bound by these policies. If you do not please email sales@bio-mat.com and notify us that you do not agree by these terms and policies set forth by Richway Fuji Bio Inc. and bio-mat.com

What does the distributor kit include?
The Distributors Kit contains several brochures, DVD's, and about 5 order forms to get you started. If you don't order a Biomat then the ISA Agreement will give you a business center to start earning commissions, but to become eligible for the binary bonuses and to increase your commission rates you will need to order/sell a minimum of $1500 in product. I believe it is setup this way because how can you really tell someone how great a product is if you don't use it yourself. I do.

What is a Business Center?
A business center is part of the Multi-Level Plan of the Distributor Program. You earn 1 Business Center for every $500 in product you buy.

The way this network marketing program works is you add points (each $500 in product is valued at 1 point) until you have 6 points on each leg. Each business center has 2 legs, a right and a left. Again, you earn points for every $500 in product you sell, so when someone else orders through you, they earn business centers just like you just did, but you also earn the same number of points they just earned. When you have 6 points on each leg you earn a binary bonus of $400. Each business center will reset to zero points after 3 years of non-activity.

So here is an example-
Let's say you order the Professional Biomat and the Distributors Kit ($80). The Professional Biomat is $1,750 so you just earned 3 business centers ($500 * 3 = $1,500). Now you have 3 business centers to add business centers or points to.
Let's say you sell a Professional biomat to someone. As a distributor you just made a commission and you also earned 3 points. The person that ordered earned 3 business centers. Even if they don't sign up as a distributor they still have earned the business centers. Lets say in a month or even 8 months they decide to become a distributor they will have those business centers already.
Next is the placement of those business centers. It works like a tree, similar to a family tree. Each business center is its own tree with a right leg and a left leg. With your initial purchase, you have 3 business centers. Your number 002 business center on the left leg (side) of your number 001 business center, and your number 003 business center on the right leg of your number 001. So currently you have 1 business center on the left side of number 001 and one on the right side of number 001, you have 0 business centers on each of the legs on your number 002 and number 003.
Now you just made that sale, so you place that sale worth 3 points (that order is three business centers for your customer) on the left side of your number 001 business center which will be on one of the legs of your number 002 business center. So you will want to place those on the left leg of your number 002. Now your number 001 business center has 3 points on the left leg and 0 on the right leg. Your number 002 business center now has 3 on the left leg and 0 on the right, and your number 003 still has 0 and 0.
Now lets say you sell another Professional biomat. You will want to place those again on the left leg of your number 001 business center because this will now give you 6 points on the left side of number 001. So you had 3 points from your previous sale, with this new sale you have added 3 more points onto the left side of your number 001 giving you 6 total on the left leg and 0 on the right leg. You will want to place those on the left leg of the number 002 business center under your first sale. On your number 002 business center you now have 6 on the left leg and 0 on the right leg.
Now lets say you sell another Professional biomat. This gives you another 3 points. Since you have 6 on the left side of your number 001 business center, you now want to add these three to the right side of your 001. You will place these on the right leg of your number 003 business center. Now you have 3 on the right side of your number 001. You sell another Professional biomat and now add those 3 points onto the right leg of your number 001. So you place those under the number 003 business center under the last sale you made so now you have 6 on the right leg of your number 001 which earns you a $400 binary bonus because you have placed 6 points on each leg of your number 001 business center.
Now on your number 003 business center you have 0 on the left leg and 6 on the right. The next sale you will start working back on the number 002 business center on the right leg because you already have 6 on the left and now you will want to place 6 on the right leg earning another binary bonus. Then you will move over to your number 003 business center and place business centers on the left leg since you have 0 there, and already have 6 on the right leg which will earn another binary bonus. This way you will also be adding those points to your 001 toward a bonus on that center as well as a bonus on the 002 and 003.

Do I understand correctly that I would begin by earning 10% of the sales price?

Yes, you start out at 10%. The binary bonus of $400 comes when you have 6 points on each leg, so if you buy/sell about 4 Professionals you will get a binary bonus of $400, or that could come after selling/buying about 2 Professionals and 4 Minimats. You earn a point for every $500 in product so a Mini is $700 which would equal 1 point.

You don't earn commissions on your own orders because you are ordering through your sponsor who is a distributor, too. If you received the commissions on your own purchases the distributor would never earn any commissions. (All orders are placed through distributors. The owners of the company wanted it this way so they could share the benefits/profits of the Biomat and how great a product it is with the customers/users.)

By becoming a Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. Independent Representative, you take an important step in securing what could become a lifetime source of income for you and your family. Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. is committed to the development and enhancement of the human potential, rewarding individuals for outstanding commitment and achievement. Richway & Fuji Bio Inc.'s innovative Sales Compensation Plan rewards outstanding performance, and allows everyone endless opportunities Retailing Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. products.

Fill out our ISA (Independent Sales Agreement), and receive Distributor Kit which contains everything you need to start selling the BioMat including several brocures, order forms, and information material. Also gives you 1 Business Center (if you have not ordered a BioMat).

If you have any questions when filling out the agreement, feel free to contact me. If you don't have a sponsor I would be happy to be your sponsor and help you along the way, just enter my name, Steve Mullen, in the sponsor field when filling out the agreement.

ISA (Independent Sales Agreement) $80.00

Bio-Mat Distributors Kit

Questions? Contact Sales: sales@bio-mat.com

*Legal Disclaimer. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed health care practitioner.

Authorized Richway Fuji Bio Inc. Retailer since 2005

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